Best Sampling Program For Mac

Active9 years, 8 months ago
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  4. Best Sampling Program For Macbook Pro

In a world where software samplers are filled with futuristic features and overwhelming sample libraries, Togu Audio Line’s TAL-Sampler is a streamlined tool that takes its inspiration from sampling past.

The Sample Process feature in Activity Monitor is quite a useful thing. However, I need to do the same thing (take samples) of a certain process from another running process (C/C++) or a command line.

  • You might think that using your favorite software media player is good enough, but most of the popular ones only offer basic tools. For example, media players like iTunes, Winamp, and Windows Media Player have built-in features such as music tag editing, CD ripping, audio format conversion and managing album art.
  • Best Sampling Software for MAC I need a good quality program to cut samples up in with the ease of Sound Forge. I will use Sound Forge again once I install the new hard drive and install Parallels to add Windows to the Mac.

Is there any way to do this? I have been googling for this since a few days without any luck.


2 Answers

There is a command-line utility sample.


It will get exactly the same output with Activity Monitor.

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Best Sampling Program For Mac

There are some few commandsline application that come in handy: sample and top.

If you want to write your own program, you can use the sysctl system call to get such information. However, it's quite tedious.

I would recommend installing procfs file system (built with MacFUSE). This would create a new 'directory' at /proc that contains a lot of useful information for each application (e.g. memory usage, cpu usage, locks, opened files, sockets, threads, etc). The site gives a sample of how it can be accessed. Then you can simply script your access to those files.

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Good Stuff College Sampling Program


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Product Sampling Programs

There’s something of a misconception when it comes to the Mac. While powerful tools like Photoshop or Final Cut Pro certainly have price tags commensurate with their robust feature sets, many of the greatest Mac apps won’t cost you anything more than the time they take to download them.

Best Sampling Program For Macbook Pro

A quick note before we begin. Apple has changed its security settings in macOS, so you’ll need to allow your system to open a couple of these apps. A dialogue box may pop up telling you a certain app 'is an application downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?' Click Open to proceed with the installation.