Package Python Program For Mac

  1. Install Python 3.6 Mac
  2. Download Python For Mac
  3. Paint Program For Mac
  4. Download Python Program For Mac

As with any serious programming language, Python supports third-party libraries and frameworks that you can install to prevent having to reinvent the wheel with every new project. You can find these on a central repository called PyPI (Python Package Index).

Note for Mac OS X users: the above example using Tkinter works fine if you use the pre-installed Python version, if you installed or updated Python by yourself, you can find some problems running the packaged application. The official home of the Python Programming Language. While Javascript is not essential for this website, your interaction with the content will be limited. The official home of the Python Programming Language. While Javascript is not essential for this website, your interaction with the content will be limited.

But downloading, installing, and managing these packages by hand can be frustrating and time-consuming, which is why many Python developers rely on a special tool called PIP for Python (or Python PIP) to make everything much easier and faster.

What Is PIP for Python?

PIP is a recursive acronym that stands for “PIP Installs Packages” or “Preferred Installer Program”. It’s a command-line utility that allows you to install, reinstall, or uninstall PyPI packages with a simple and straightforward command: pip.

If you’ve ever done any command-line work on Windows (with the Command Prompt7 Common Tasks The Windows Command Prompt Makes Quick & Easy7 Common Tasks The Windows Command Prompt Makes Quick & EasyDon't let the command prompt intimidate you. It's simpler and more useful than you expect. You might be surprised by what you can accomplish with just a few keystrokes.Read More) or Mac or Linux (with the Terminal and BashAn A-Z of Linux - 40 Essential Commands You Should KnowAn A-Z of Linux - 40 Essential Commands You Should KnowLinux is the oft-ignored third wheel to Windows and Mac. Yes, over the past decade, the open source operating system has gained a lot of traction, but it’s still a far cry from being considered...Read More), then you’ll feel right at home and can skip down to the installation instructions for your particular operating system.

Is PIP Installed With Python?

If you’re using Python 2.7.9 (or greater) or Python 3.4 (or greater), then PIP comes installed with Python by default. If you’re using an older version of Python, you’ll need to use the installation steps below. Otherwise, skip to the bottom to learn how to start using PIP.

If you’re running Python in a virtual environment created with either virtualenv or pyvenv, then PIP will be available to that environment regardless of Python version. Learn more about Python virtual environments and why they’re usefulLearn How to Use the Python Virtual EnvironmentLearn How to Use the Python Virtual EnvironmentWhether you are an experienced Python developer, or you are just getting started, learning how to setup a virtual environment is essential for any Python project.Read More.

Is Python Correctly Installed?

You have to make sure Python is properly installed on your system. On Windows, open up the Command Prompt using Windows key + X and selecting Command Prompt. On Mac, open the Terminal using Command + Space and searching for terminal. On Linux, open the Terminal using Ctrl + Alt + T or however else it’s done in your particular distro.

Then type:

On Linux, Python 3.x users may need to use:

If you get a version number (e.g. “Python 2.7.5”), then it means Python is ready to go.

If you get a “Python is not defined” message, then you’ll have to first install Python properly. That’s beyond the scope of this article. Visit the Python site for instructions.

How to Install PIP on Windows

The following instructions should work on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10:

Package Python Program For Mac
  1. Download the installer script. If you’re on Python 3.2, you’ll need this version of instead. Either way, right-click on the link and select Save As… and save it to any safe location, such as your Downloads folder.
  2. Open the Command Prompt and navigate to the file.
  3. Run the following command: python

How to Install PIP on Mac

Modern Mac systems come with Python and PIP already installed. However, this version of Python tends to be outdated and not the best choice for serious Python development, so it’s highly recommended that you install a more current version of Python and PIP.

If you want to use the native system Python installation but don’t have PIP available, you can install PIP with the following command in Terminal:

If you’d rather install a more up-to-date version of Python, then you can use Homebrew. Don’t know what that is? Learn more about installing software with Homebrew on MacHow to Install Mac Apps in Terminal Using HomebrewHow to Install Mac Apps in Terminal Using HomebrewDid you know you can install Mac software in the Terminal? Here's how to use Homebrew to install Mac apps easily.Read More. The following instructions assume you already have Homebrew installed and ready to go.

Installing Python with Homebrew involves a single command:

This will install the latest version of Python, which should come packaged with PIP. If the installation is successful but PIP is unavailable, you may need to re-link Python using the following Terminal command:

How to Install PIP on Linux

If your Linux distro came with Python already installed, you should be able to install PIP using your system’s package manager. This is preferable since system-installed versions of Python do not play nicely with the script used on Windows and Mac.

Advanced Package Tool (Python 2.x)

Advanced Package Tool (Python 3.x)

pacman Package Manager (Python 2.x)

pacman Package Manager (Python 3.x)

Yum Package Manager (Python 2.x)

Yum Package Manager (Python 3.x)

Dandified Yum (Python 2.x)

Dandified Yum (Python 3.x)

Zypper Package Manager (Python 2.x)

Zypper Package Manager (Python 3.x)

How to Install PIP on Raspberry Pi

As a Raspberry Pi user, you’re probably running Raspbian since it’s the official operating system designated and provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. You’re free to install another operating system, such as UbuntuHow to Get Ubuntu Running on Your Raspberry PiHow to Get Ubuntu Running on Your Raspberry PiRaspbian Jessie is a great Raspberry Pi operating system. But what if you want a more traditional Linux experience? Well, you could go ahead and install Ubuntu instead.Read More, but in that case you should look at the Linux instructions.

Starting with Raspbian Jessie, PIP comes installed by default. It’s one of the big reasons to upgrade to Raspbian Jessie instead of sticking with Raspbian Wheezy or Raspbian Jessie Lite. However, if you’re on an older version of Raspbian, you can still install PIP.

On Python 2.x:

On Python 3.x:

With Raspbian, Python 2.x users should use pip while Python 3.x users should use pip3 when issuing PIP commands.

How to Upgrade PIP for Python

While PIP itself doesn’t update very often, it’s still important to stay on top of new versions because there may be important fixes to bugs, compatibility, and security holes. Fortunately, upgrading PIP is very fast and simple.

On Windows:

On Mac, Linux, or Raspberry Pi:

On certain versions of Linux and Raspberry Pi, you may need to use pip3 instead.

How to Manage Python Packages With PIP

Once PIP is ready, you can start installing packages from PyPI:

To install a specific version of a package instead of the latest version:

To search PyPI for a particular package:

To see details about an installed package:

To list all installed packages:

To list all outdated packages:

To upgrade an outdated package:

Note that older versions of a package are automatically removed by PIP when upgrading to a newer version of that package.

To completely reinstall a package:

To completely get rid of a package:

Learn More About Python

We recommend reading up on reasons why Python is useful today and the hottest computer programming jobs in demand, which can give you motivation to keep learning Python and push your skills to the next level.

If you’re still a beginner, check out these basic Python learning examples, our guide to using Python dictionaries, and these 5 best websites to learn Python programming . If you’re more of an intermediate Python developer, consider sharpening your knowledge with these worthwhile online Python courses5 Courses That'll Take You from Python Beginner to Pro5 Courses That'll Take You from Python Beginner to ProThese five courses will teach you all about programming in Python, one of the hottest languages out there right now.Read More or building your own social media bot using Python.

Explore more about: Programming, Python.

  1. I could install pip only through 'windows shell (admin)'

  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was trying to install pip for over 20 minutes until I found this, thank you

  3. is the only correct way. It will either install pip correctly or print out a message telling you how

  4. I cant upgrade the pip to the new version on my windows. I followed your instruction and got the file for the pip i.e get pip file.
    And also i cant get scitools too.
    I need help.

  5. How do I check my version of Pip?

Active5 months ago

Python works on multiple platforms and can be used for desktop and web applications, thus I conclude that there is some way to compile it into an executable for Mac, Windows and Linux.

The problem being I have no idea where to start or how to write a GUI with it, can anybody shed some light on this and point me in the right direction please?

6,24510 gold badges58 silver badges105 bronze badges
45.5k73 gold badges147 silver badges187 bronze badges

11 Answers

First you will need some GUI library with Python bindings and then (if you want) some program that will convert your python scripts into standalone executables.

Cross-platform GUI libraries with Python bindings (Windows, Linux, Mac)

Of course, there are many, but the most popular that I've seen in wild are:

  • Tkinter - based on Tk GUI toolkit (de-facto standard GUI library for python, free for commercial projects)
  • WxPython - based on WxWidgets (popular, free for commercial projects)
  • Qt using the PyQt bindings or Qt for Python. The former is not free for commercial projects. The latter is less mature, but can be used for free.

Complete list is at

Single executable (all platforms)

  • PyInstaller - the most active
  • fbs - if you chose Qt above

Single executable (Windows)

  • py2exe - used to be the most popular

Single executable (Linux)

  • Freeze - works the same way like py2exe but targets Linux platform

Single executable (Mac)

  • py2app - again, works like py2exe but targets Mac OS

Another system (not mentioned in the accepted answer yet) is PyInstaller, which worked for a PyQt project of mine when py2exe would not. I found it easier to use.

Pyinstaller is based on Gordon McMillan's Python Installer. Which is no longer available.

Jace Browning
5,9127 gold badges47 silver badges78 bronze badges
4,1564 gold badges18 silver badges14 bronze badges

An alternative tool to py2exe is bbfreeze which generates executables for windows and linux. It's newer than py2exe and handles eggs quite well. I've found it magically works better without configuration for a wide variety of applications.

Michael TwomeyMichael Twomey

There's also PyGTK, which is basically a Python wrapper for the Gnome Toolkit. I've found it easier to wrap my mind around than Tkinter, coming from pretty much no knowledge of GUI programming previously. It works pretty well and has some good tutorials. Unfortunately there isn't an installer for Python 2.6 for Windows yet, and may not be for a while.


Since python is installed on nearly every non-Windows OS by default now, the only thing you really need to make sure of is that all of the non-standard libraries you use are installed.

Having said that, it is possible to build executables that include the python interpreter, and any libraries you use. This is likely to create a large executable, however.

MacOS X even includes support in the Xcode IDE for creating full standalone GUI apps. These can be run by any user running OS X.

Matthew SchinckelMatthew Schinckel
28.6k4 gold badges63 silver badges98 bronze badges

For the GUI itself:

PyQT is pretty much the reference.

Another way to develop a rapid user interface is to write a web app,have it run locally and display the app in the browser.

Plus, if you go for the Tkinter option suggested by lubos haskoyou may want to try portablepy to have your app run on Windows environmentwithout Python.

9,1727 gold badges43 silver badges70 bronze badges

I'm not sure that this is the best way to do it, but when I'm deploying Ruby GUI apps (not Python, but has the same 'problem' as far as .exe's are concerned) on Windows, I just write a short launcher in C# that calls on my main script. It compiles to an executable, and I then have an application executable.

Brian WarshawBrian Warshaw
14.8k8 gold badges49 silver badges70 bronze badges
Package python programming for machine learning

Then you should use py2exe, for example, to bring in one folder all the files needed to run the app, even if the user has not python on his pc (I am talking of windows... for the apple os there is no need of an executable file, I think, as it come with python in it without any need of installing it.

1) Create a

with this code:

save it in a folder

2) Put your program in the same folder of setup.pyput in this folder the program you want to make it distribuitable:es:

ps: change the name of the file (from l4h to anything you want, that is an example)

3) Run cmd from that folder (on the folder, right click + shift and choose start cmd here)
4) write in cmd:>python py2exe
5) in the dist folder there are all the files you need
6) you can zip it and distribute it


Install it from cmd


pip install pyinstaller


Run it from the cmd from the folder where the file is



Install Python 3.6 Mac


Giovanni PythonGiovanni Python

Download Python For Mac

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PySimpleGUI wraps tkinter and works on Python 3 and 2.7. It also runs on Qt, WxPython and in a web browser, using the same source code for all platforms.

You can make custom GUIs that utilize all of the same widgets that you find in tkinter (sliders, checkboxes, radio buttons, ...). The code tends to be very compact and readable.

As explained in the PySimpleGUI Documentation, to build the .EXE file you run:

pyinstaller -wF


You don't need to compile python for Mac/Windows/Linux. It is an interpreted language, so you simply need to have the Python interpreter installed on the system of your choice (it is available for all three platforms).

As for a GUI library that works cross platform, Python's Tk/Tcl widget library works very well, and I believe is sufficiently cross platform.

Tkinter is the python interface to Tk/Tcl

From the python project webpage:

Tkinter is not the only GuiProgramming toolkit for Python. It is however the most commonly used one, and almost the only one that is portable between Unix, Mac and Windows

Justin StandardJustin Standard
17.2k22 gold badges73 silver badges89 bronze badges

Paint Program For Mac

You can use appJar for basic GUI development.

See documentation at appJar site.

Installation is made with pip install appjar from command line.

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Download Python Program For Mac

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