Peer Data Program For Mac

Peer Data Program For Mac
Apparently, MU takes suggestions then adds apps to the Similar Software list when there are multiple suggestions for the same app. I just suggested Zoom (in addition to your suggestion) and it is now in the list.
Regarding the Microsoft withdrawal of v8.40.0.70:
A) I'm dismayed to find that Microsoft's site search is even more abysmal than Apple's.
B) Persistence resulted in this useful page of known macOS Skype issues (with Linux inexplicably thrown in):
Microsoft states nothing-at-all about what versions are affected, but guestimation suggests that v8.40.0.70 for macOS:
1) Has launching problems on Mojave.
2) Has video problems on Mojave.
Therefore, Microsoft apparently withdrew v8.40.0.70 and has replaced it with v8.39.0.175 dated earlier in February.
CONCLUSION: If you've installed and are having problems Skype v8.40.0.70, then download the 'latest' Skype again, that being the older v8.39.0.175, install it over v8.40.0.70 and the problems should be gone.
NOTE that this is merely my Out-Think-The-Geeks deduction from the meagre, irritatingly inadequate information Microsoft has bothered to provide. (0_o) ?

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Mac > Windows Open your data file in QuickBooks Accounting 2009 for Mac, choose File > Back Up to QuickBooks for Windows, choose a name and location for the file, and then click Save.