A limited liability company (LLC) is a business structure that protects its owner(s) from being personally liable for the business’ debts.Whether you currently operate an LLC or are thinking of turning your freelance operation into an LLC, it’s important to know the tax basics and benefits of running one. Since most of TurboTax sales are for personal software, the Mac market for business software is just not there to justify development, production costs and continuing support. Perhaps, if and when Apple computers are at least 25% or more of the US market it will be different.
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- 1041 Tax Program For Mac
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Best Tax Program For Mac
Picked by Macworld's Editors
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Picked by Techconnect's Editors
Intuit TurboTax Premier
H&R Block TaxCut Premium + State + E-File
The April 15 deadline for filing income tax returns draws perilously close, forcing Mac users to gather up their W-2s, 1099s, and tax-preparation program of choice. And this year, Mac users do have a choice—H&R Block returns to the Mac platform after a one-year absence with a new version of TaxCut to compete with Intuit’s TurboTax.
Both Intuit and H&R Block have put their best foot forward this year. Intuit’s TurboTax claims the marquee spot among tax preparation programs, but H&R Block puts up a real contender and should be applauded for bringing TaxCut back to the Mac platform after its brief hiatus.
Read our individual reviews of each program:
1041 Tax Program For Mac
Which of these two programs offers the best choice? It depends on what you’re looking for. While both applications sport clean interfaces and offer effective tools, this year’s edition of TurboTax is the better choice on two fronts—its interface is a bit more friendly and its deduction program feels better integrated.
Where customer support is concerned, however, the preference falls to TaxCut, which offers a better means of protection against an audit. While Intuit provides counseling and advice to TurboTax users, H&R Block has the brick-and-mortar advantage and can guide you to a local office if you need more help with a return.
Both companies have created compelling and competitive products this year. Even if filing a tax return isn’t the first thing you’d choose to do on an otherwise free weekend, these two competent, solid programs help make it much easier.
[ Chris Barylick is a technology journalist whose work has appeared in Mac Observer and the Washington Post . Despite having gone to business school, tax season still gives him the willies. ]
Intuit TurboTax Premier
H&R Block TaxCut Premium + State + E-File